In the year of 1358, en route ranthmbhor to fight Rana Hamir,Khilji sent army unit under malik kafur to destroy the newly built temple. The army unit caused big devaststion to village and granaries.The army unit also began dismantling the temple but had to stop owing to night. In the dream that night Khilji saw a half nacked tri-eyed,trident handling, Kamndaldhari,exotic personalty prepared to kill him. A feared Khilji could not sleep the whole night The next morning he revealed the dream.Then the pujari of the temple told him that the deity in the dream was none other then lord Shiva him self who can turn the universe into ashes just by the fire of his 3rd eye.Hearing this a feared Khilji decided not to destory the temple and proceeded for Ranthmbhor.